8 presentation tips to impress your audience

What is the main task of a PowerPoint presentation? It is intended to convey important information in a comprehensible and sustainable manner. But can content be prepared in such a way that the audience is really satisfied and has absorbed your important messages? To that end, we’ve put together eight presentation tips to help you increase your presentation success.

Presentations are simply part of the working world today. At some point, everyone stands in front of an audience and has to prove themselves. In a few minutes, the crucial information must be transferred to the audience. Ideally, your auditorium has then received important information in an entertaining way. Not infrequently, however, presentations become torture for the audience because the presenter fails to observe important rules.

Without convincing argumentation your presentation will not be a success

If you give a presentation of ten or twenty minutes, your audience will not remember every word you say. That’s not a big deal either. It is crucial that the important messages are understood, believed and stored in long-term memory by your audience. You can only achieve this if you present your info in the right way. The following presentation tips are designed to help you really impress with your next presentation.

Tip 1: Determine the needs of your target group

If you want to create a PowerPoint presentation, you must first analyze for which audience it is intended. Only when you know what your audience’s goals and needs are, can you design your presentation so that your audience is completely satisfied with the information.

With the Presentation-Booster-Method to a customized PowerPoint presentation

With the Presentation Booster method, we have a model that helps create content tailored to type. Target groups can thus be easily analyzed and typified. With the help of a comprehensible type model, the diffuse, inaccurate picture you have of your audience becomes clearer. The effort required to characterize your target group is significantly reduced. Because once you have a more precise grasp of your target groups, it will be easier for you to gear your entire presentation strategy to them. For more presentation tips and detailed information on how to use the method, please see




Get selected, practical expert tips now so that your next presentation will be a complete success!

Tip 2: Work out the most important messages of your presentation! 

Get to the point and don’t hide your most important information. The core messages must be recognizable as such for the audience   and unambiguously formulated .     

Tip 3: Deliver your presentation without reading off!  

Free speech is critical to any successful presentation . Reading off a presentation makes you appear less than confident and insecure in the eyes of your audience . You give the impression that you are either insufficiently prepared , or do not understand the topic properly .   

Tip 4: Use storytelling to engage your audience!  

If you manage to embed your PowerPoint presentation in a good story, you can significantly increase the success of your presentation. Neuropsychologists confirm that our brain absorbs messages embedded in a good story particularly well. No one can escape the appeal of a good story. If you can “weave” an interesting story around your main arguments, you have a good chance that your audience will follow you attentively and even remember the content better.  

Tip 5: Don’t overwhelm the audience!  

The tense listening can become quite exhausting in the long run. When a lot of information has to be absorbed, the brain needs a break in between, to store it. After ten minutes at the latest, the ability to concentrate is already waning. Many people can even concentrate properly for a maximum of five minutes. If you are planning a presentation that lasts longer than 15 minutes, build in short passages where your auditorium can relax. For example, you can tell an anecdote about the topic, or show a video in between .  

Tip 6: Choose a professional foil design 

The professional design of PowerPoint slides requires not only extensive expertise in the proper use of the software. Of great importance is also the right background knowledge about target groups, messages and the own company. 

First steps to the right design 

For the right design, there are some presentation tips that you should basically always follow: 

  • Make like Steve Jobs and keep your slides rather simple
  • Limit the number of words on each slide 
  • Choose appropriate fonts and font sizes
  • Use only really high quality photos and graphics

If you hire an external presentation agency for this purpose,   this will involve costs. But the extra effort is worth it in terms of the result. A good PowerPoint designer has already worked for a large number of companies of different sizes and industries during several years of professional experience. He knows the PowerPoint software with all its tricks and features and knows which design elements suit certain topics and content. He can design or revise slides so that all information is quickly and reliably grasped by the audience  can. This will convey your important information in such a way that you will achieve the greatest possible success with your presentation. 

Tip 7: Summarize your most important information again at the end.  

At the end of your presentation, use the opportunity to briefly summarize your key points again. This increases the chances that your viewers will be able to remember the essential content permanently. 

Tip 8: Distribute a handout after the presentation!  

Offer your audience a summary at the end of your presentation. Either you can distribute a handout right after the event. Another option is to send the summary by e-mail.  


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