Have product presentation created that excites customers

Product presentation is one of the most important sales tools in sales. Especially in times when personal customer contact is limited and customer events or trade fairs hardly take place, the presentation gains in importance. Customers are looking for high-quality and useful information about products and services. A first-class presentation convinces even critical customers. If you work with a presentation agency experienced in sales and have them create your product presentations, you can measurably increase your sales success.

Currently, there are a number of barriers that make direct customer contact difficult. All opportunities to make a sales pitch must therefore be exploited. This is precisely why all sales materials should be professionally designed. This is especially true for your PowerPoint presentations.

Poorly designed product presentations can reduce your sales opportunities to zero

Far too often today, sales documents are still designed like mediocre advertising. But customers don’t want advertising slogans, they want really useful information. Your sales or product presentation is only successful if customers are really convinced by your offer and buy. And without sales, of course, no sales success.

Precise presentation planning prevents unpleasant surprises

From the idea, to the first rough outline of the slides, to the finished PowerPoint presentation, you should plan carefully. What information should be presented, in what way, and to what extent? How can the concrete benefits be worked out? What questions, objections or further requests do you need to be prepared for? Small mistakes in planning can quickly lead to major negative effects in product presentation. That’s why working with an experienced PowerPoint agency is recommended, because it quickly identifies and corrects weaknesses in the planning.

Target group analysis – what makes the customer tick?

Of course, the sales department should know its customers. What is often not clear, however, is how to properly build a customized PowerPoint presentation for a specific target customer group. This is exactly what a PowerPoint agency specializes in. Because the cross-industry experience with the most diverse target groups from dozens of successfully designed presentations, bring the necessary expert knowledge for your next presentation.


Get selected, practical expert tips now so that your next presentation will be a complete success!

The customer benefit should be in the foreground of your presentation

As with any successful PowerPoint presentation, it is important to clearly identify the customer’s wants, goals and needs. If you want to convince your customers, you should focus on their needs. Customers want perfectly prepared information that helps them make a purchase decision.

PowerPoint presentations – a high level of quality is a prerequisite for your success

PowerPoint presentations are becoming more and more sophisticated. The customer expects high professionalism and 100% useful content in all areas. Therefore, mediocre presentations do not really support the sales department. In addition to high-quality design, a convincing structure is necessary. Understandable graphics, top product images, 3D mockups or high-end animations and high-quality information, are indispensable today. Good PowerPoint agencies know how to really sell with professional presentations.

High-tech isn’t everything, but with the right technology your presentation gains persuasive power

With the technical know-how provided by a presentation agency, you can make your offer more understandable and tangible for the customer. Imagine being able to show your customers the inside of a turbine in operation, for example, in a first-class animation. Or you could zoom through your new production facility. They could show products and overlay augmented information through augmented reality. The possibilities to present your offer in an understandable and experienceable way are almost unlimited. Impressive effects that customers can not escape.

The individual phases of the product presentation

A successful product presentation is clearly structured and divided into individual phases:

Short warm up phase. Of course, you shouldn’t barge in with the door open and immediately start talking about the merits of your offer. A short small talk to get to know each other or to determine the current situation with known customers, is therefore at the beginning.

The needs analysis: This is about understanding what current desires, goals or information needs the customer has for you. In other words: where does the shoe pinch and what does the customer perhaps expect from this conversation. Here you can already define the focus of your PowerPoint presentation. Which slides will you show; which slides are not so important for the customer meeting?

The product presentation
: With the information from the needs analysis, you can now target your product presentation very specifically to your customer’s needs.

The conclusion
: If you have done everything right, the purchase is made or concrete next steps (factory visit, individual offer, etc.) are agreed upon in this phase.

In cooperation with a PowerPoint agency, your product presentation can be designed in such a way that you can effortlessly jump to the individual sections of your presentation and present individual aspects in more detail, shorter or not at all, according to the customer’s wishes.

Often overlooked: The right storytelling becomes your sales booster

There is a difference between explaining pure facts to your customer and putting the facts into a good story. When you prepare your next product presentation, think carefully about the info you want to give your customer. A good story in connection with your offer is always well received. We simply can’t escape the effect of an interesting story. Tell him the right story to win him over not only argumentatively, but also emotionally for your cause. Therefore, combine your sales presentation with professional storytelling.

What important messages do you want to pass on? What emotions do you want to create in your customer?


Fear of missing out if they don’t have your product

Anticipation of the positive effects through the purchase

The pride of belonging to an exclusive minority that has the product

The feeling of seriousness of your offer

Confidence in the professionalism of your company

If you do it right, storytelling will greatly increase your business success. There is almost always a good story to be found, even if they may not think of a suitable story at first glance. The presentation agency will be happy to help you create the perfect matching story to your offer.

Conclusion: If you have a professional product presentation created, you can significantly increase your sales success. This is especially true when working with PowerPoint agencies that have extensive experience with sales presentations and have the appropriate expertise in sales psychology.


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