Work with memory techniques in your presentation

Memory techniques will help youshare the essential information of your presentation in a way that is easy to remember. Because wwhen you present to an audience, you ultimately have a clear purpose. Your audience should understand your arguments and fully understand your information. And You want sich Your audience will permanently remember the key messages of your presentation. Thereby, the repetition important content, creating emotion and working with images especially effective memory techniques. How do you remember important information? Do you have a system or is it more a matter of chance what you remember and what you forget? For a long time humanity deals with the question of how to quickly acquire knowledge. Of course, it is crucial that you can remember the newly acquired knowledge. I myself have tried some memory techniques. The results were very mixed. Some things I have kept very quickly, with other information I have struggled against it downright. But what is the reason that you remember some data faster than others?

WByremembering a piece of information faster?

For everyone, there are events that are immediately stored and still remembered very accurately after decades. On the other hand, one has often the next day already forgotten what was on TV yesterday. In presentations, this can be observed in the same way. From manch one PowerPoint company presentation remains the viewers perhaps only the name of the company in the memory. Another company manages to create such a successful trade show presentation, that customers still talk about it years later. But what is the reason? There are three important amplifiers for the human brain to store information, which you can use as memory techniques:
  • Emotions
  • Images
  • Repeats

Presentation-Incontentconvey through emotion

Events that touch us emotionally, we remember for a lifetime. Probably you can sich still remember your first kiss in life or the passed driver’s license. But also the wedding or the news of the death of a close person can often be recalled in many details until the end of life. Information or events that are associated with strong emotions, our brain considers particularly important and stores them immediately into long-term memory. If you succeed in generating targeted emotions in the audience during your presentation, you can couple these feelings with information. Let’s take as an example an event for relatives of dementia patients at which you present nutritional supplements. Here you could include a healing story(only if it is true). In the beginning you describe the terrible condition of a patient. After that the drastic improvement of his conditionby taking your preparate and his happy life today. The sober information that you sell products that help with dementia would make considerably less impression.

Prpresentations-Inconvey content through images

A picture is worth a thousand words. This is also due to the nature of our brain. Pictures can be stored by us better than words. Das our brain thinks in pictures, it can process image information particularly well. Pictures memorize. Therefore, they can be used well as memory techniques. If you insert suitable images into your PowerPointslides, your audience can grasp this image information faster and better. For example, if you create a product presentation, it is advisable to show the product in your PowerPoint presentation advantageously pictorial. Often a picture can symbolically reinforce a message. Just think of the polar bear floating on a floe in the sea and became synonymous with the climate change.

Convey presentation content through repetition

You’ve probably experienced it too: some stupid advertising slogan you can’t get out of your head. Or the refrain of a song you heard on the radio.Yet you do not even have to have liked the song. Repetitions as memory techniques imprint themselves in the memory. If you want to learn vocabulary or long poems, you do not get far without repeating several times.A professional PowerPoint presentation works also almost always with repetitions. The most important information is repeated at various points during the presentation. For this purpose, short summaries are suitable before you go to the next topic of your presentation and at the end of the presentation. Another option are PowerPoint handoutsof your presentation, which you can distribute to your audience.

Communicate presentation content by combining each memory technique

If you combine the individual memory techniques, you can even enhance the memory effect. For example, you could provide an emotionally moving story with corresponding images. You couldtencombinea key message with an image and include it several times in your presentation. Whether you want to create a weffective presentationyourself, or whether you want to play it safe and get a presentation agency to create a weffective ppresentation – you should think deeply about which emotions, images and repetitions might be important for your next presentation. For more tips and tricks on presenting, sign up hereto our newsletter.