Which presentation type are you?

A successful presentation always needs a professional presenter. A lot of experience and good preparation are the basic requirements to convince as a speaker. But know-how and hard work are only part of the success. A good speaker knows which form of presentation suits him and which does not. If he chooses a form of presentation that is out of character, he is likely to fail. Therefore, we will introduce you to the four main types of presentations and how to present them successfully.

I’ve seen a lot of great presentations. The speaker then delivered a perfect presentation that resonated with the audience. The timing was right, gestures and facial expressions were in harmony with what was said. But it wasn’t just that. The presenter was just absolutely authentic during the presentation. The audience was captivated and convinced by his explanations. If I particularly liked something, I wanted to try it out in my own presentations. In one presentation, I may have particularly liked the welcome, in another speaker it may have been the successful “call-to-action”. When I have used stylistic devices from colleagues in my slide presentations, I have found that only some of the techniques have been accepted by my audience. A few times the results were really horrible. At first I assumed that I just needed to learn the techniques better. But soon I realized that I was trying to imitate something that did not correspond to my character at all. If a technique didn’t suit me, it didn’t work in my presentations.

The type of presentation must suit you

There is a reason why we are all different. But it is sometimes exciting to slip into someone else’s skin. If you are rather reserved, then it might be exciting for you to slip into the role of a charismatic show talent during a presentation. But would you also have the talent to embody this role credibly? When copying style elements from other presenters, be sure to carefully consider what fits your nature and style of presenting.

The four types of presentation

No two people are the same, but we distinguish four particularly succinct types of speakers when it comes to presentations. You will probably recognize yourself in one of these types. You may also be a combination of two different types. If you know what type of speaker you are, you can look for presentation professionals who are similar to you in character. In them you will see many techniques that you can use for your own projects.

The red speaker

This type presents very powerful. He is usually rhetorically brilliant and has natural powers of persuasion. His punchlines are to the point, and he is very quick-witted. He speaks rather loudly and sometimes very fast.

The yellow speaker

The yellow guy is mostly entertaining and dynamic. He is an individualist and has something of an artist about him. He is not a perfectionist. His strengths are pictorial presentation and inspiring visions of the future. He speaks vividly and likes to use visual words.

The green speaker

The green speaker is looking to connect with the audience. He often uses the word “we.” He is a master of storytelling and sometimes gets too chatty.

The blue speaker

The blue guy makes his presentation very accurate and detailed. He speaks matter-of-factly with a lot of substance. He is very precise and formulates his sentences thoughtfully. He speaks in a quiet and calm voice.

My tip: Stay authentic!

You can learn a lot from presentation professionals. But make sure that techniques you like to use really suit you and your personal style. If you simply imitate someone else’s style, you will quickly come across as a bad actor. The way you deliver your presentation should fit your character. Feel free to take a cue from other speakers who don’t match your “primary color”. You can always learn from experts. However, be careful if you want to adopt their style elements.

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Speaker and PowerPoint Trainer Matthias Garten

Dipl.-Wirtsch.-Informatiker Matthias Garten as the expert for multimedia presentations and professional PowerPoint presentations knows about the art of professional slide design. He is an entrepreneur, speaker (TOP 100 Speaker), trainer (TOP 100 Excellence Trainer), multiple book author, presentation coach (presentation training), member of the GSA and Club 55, organizer of the Presentation Conference, Presentation Bootcamp and Presentation Rocket Day. In addition to PowerPoint and presentation training, he inspires and advises companies to present themselves even more effectively and thus stand out from competitors. He is the business owner of the presentation and PowerPoint agency smavicon Best Business Presentations and with his team has created over 10,000 professional PowerPoint presentations for over 150 industries since 1993.