What matters in an online presentation!

The current Covid-19 situation is driving the issue of online presentations. Instead of sitting together in a meeting room or conference hall, presentations and workshops are held virtually using online tools such as Microsoft Teams, Zoom or GoToMeeting.
The challenge for most presenters: there is little response, it is often difficult to see the faces of the audience, the sound sometimes hiccups, and after a certain time the attention and concentration of the audience wanes.

But how do you give a good online lecture? How do you captivate the audience? And how do you achieve your presentation goal?

With programs such as Teams, Zoom or GoToMeeting, you can also follow or give presentations from the comfort of your home office on your computer or laptop. To do this, invite your audience to an online presentation and they can hear you and follow your presentation at the same time.

But beware!

A common misconception around an online presentation

However, many presenters still believe that they can deliver an online presentation 1-to-1 like a face-to-face presentation. They use the same presentation structure and the same slides.
But in an online presentation, many external factors play a crucial role. Your viewers can quickly get distracted by incoming calls, mails, etc.
Often you do not see the reactions of your audience and can therefore not judge whether your argumentation and the explanations are received and understood.

Focus on important topics

A large part of your audience ties this online presentation into your everyday life and that is why there is rarely time for long presentations. Because before and after that, other appointments require the attention of your audience.
Therefore, focus on a few important topics and convey clear messages that the viewer can easily remember.

Exciting visualizations in the online presentation

Your goal is to convince people. Through the targeted and measured use of images, videos and animations, you can increase attention and arouse emotions in your viewers. This increases the likelihood that your statements will be received and will stick.
A picture is worth a thousand words, which is why you should use pictures, because they are better stored in the brain and can thus anchor your argument.
Videos are even more attention-grabbing. Moving images attract the viewer’s eye and increase interest. For example, if you use an exciting video, the meeting participant will be captivated and will listen to you better afterwards.

In our Case Studies you will find examples of exciting visualizations.

Interaction creates involvement

On stage, it’s easy to interact and connect with the audience. They can take polls, answer direct questions, and respond to inquiring faces. In an online presentation, you cannot always see your counterpart. But here, too, online tools offer you some options.
In many programs you can use the chat and, for example, respond to questions, suggestions or criticism in this way. You can create surveys and quizzes to find out, for example, on which topic more information is desired.

As annoying as the situation currently seems, the Internet and the many options for online communication mean that we can still work productively in our home offices, lead teams and also hold online presentations.
How about you: Are you ready to take your online presentations to the next level?

Let’s talk. The smavicon team will be happy to advise you. Here you can go to our Contact.

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