Success through efficient presentation training

Presentations are part of everyday work in many professions today. Mastering PowerPoint and modern presentation techniques is a prerequisite almost everywhere. Lack of knowledge can quickly negatively impact career and business success. Presentation training considerably enhances one’s own presentation skills and provides the necessary confidence to master minor mishaps with aplomb.

Maybe you have already experienced this: You attend a lecture because the topic interests you very much. Later, on your way home, however, you feel disappointed, maybe even a little angry. The lecture was somehow not good. But why? The slides were actually professionally designed; they also contained a lot of info. Nevertheless, the audience started to get restless after the first five minutes. Some glanced furtively at their watches or whispered to their neighbors. You yourself may have only been listening with half an ear, even though you had come here especially for the topic. Why? The reason was the speaker, who could not captivate his audience at any point during the presentation. He turned an exciting topic into a boring lecture. This happens much more often than you think: a bad presenter ruins even the best presentation.

Presentation mistakes spoil the overall impression

When presenting, serious mistakes can occur due to lack of practice, old-fashioned techniques, or just plain ignorance that would actually be easy to avoid. Even small blunders can quickly spoil the overall impression and largely undo the work of many days. You can’t cheat when presenting. You can delegate the creation of slides to professionals. But when you have to present, you’re in the spotlight, where any mistake is quickly discovered. For this reason, people who often have to give presentations should take presentation training.

Presentations consist of two essential components

Successful presentations always have two components: Really good and didactically to the point designed slides and a speaker who knows how to give a convincing presentation. The presentations can be designed to the best form with the help of an agency. Many companies also use this assistance, but completely forget the second component. The speaker is left to his own devices. But it is precisely here that external help should be sought. Better look for a professional presentation training provider if you want a satisfied audience.

Who particularly benefits from presentation training?

In principle, anyone can participate in a workshop. However, good basic knowledge of PowerPoint would be important.


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Benefit from training especially:

  • Entrepreneur,
  • Managing Director,
  • Project Manager,
  • Assistants,
  • Secretaries,
  • Project Assistants,
  • Marketing Manager,
  • Consultants.

What goes into good presentation training?

Good presentation training providers offer holistic support to achieve the best overall result. Participants can further educate themselves in the areas of dramaturgy, rhetoric, storytelling, body language, technique, staging, presence, outfit and appearance.

Basically, participants should know and master the following areas of presentation after the training:

  • Warm-up. The focus is on the right greeting and how to successfully establish contact with the audience.
  • Here, viewers learn what to expect.
  • Introduction to the topic. The point here is to build suspense and make the audience curious.
  • What do you want the audience to know? What message should be taken home?
  • Summary. The quintessence is once again called to the audience’s mind.
  • Call To Action. The call to action to the audience.
  • Preparation for answering questions
  • Thanks and farewell.

Individual learning modules as part of a holistic training.

Speech Gestures and facial expressions of a speaker must form a unity. Other important points are the topic of the presentation and the composition of the audience. If the speaker’s appearance does not fit the topic or the audience, this quickly leads to irritation and, in the worst case, to open rejection. Good presentation training works in depth with the voice, gestures and facial expressions of the participants. When do you need to use large gestures and when are smaller gestures or no gestures appropriate? Unfortunately, there is hardly any possibility to train only single aspects if a really good final result is desired.

Train the right entry

Another topic, for example, is the right way to start the presentation. How do I gain the audience’s interest, and how do I keep their attention throughout the presentation? Already in the first minutes of the lecture, the viewer unconsciously makes the decision whether he wants to follow the lecture further or whether he switches off inwardly. That’s why a speaker really needs to master getting started, because otherwise he’ll lose his audience before he’s really started.

How important is storytelling for a successful presentation?

Everyone loves a good story. We simply can’t resist an entertaining story with suspense and wit. The University of Cambridge has found that content linked to a story is 22 times better stored in the brain than lists of bullet points, for example. That’s why this style element is used more and more often in presentations. But what makes a good story, and how do you turn the idea into a story that then fits the presentation theme? This is often not so easy, but brings great success with the audience if it is learned properly beforehand. There are special trainings that teach techniques to persuade people with stories. A good trainer will teach you what types of stories there are and how to use them to make a big impact.

If you can arouse the emotions of your audience and influence them positively, you have the best chance of making your presentation a great success.

Presentation training is an absolute must for presentation newcomers and also an important help for “old hands” to correct mistakes that have crept in and to stay up to date with the latest presentation techniques. There is almost no area that cannot be significantly improved here.

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Speaker and PowerPoint Trainer Matthias GartenDipl.-Wirtsch.-Informatiker Matthias Garten as the expert for multimedia presentations and professional PowerPoint presentations knows about the art of professional slide design. He is an entrepreneur, speaker (TOP 100 Speaker), trainer (TOP 100 Excellence Trainer), multiple book author, presentation coach (presentation training), member of the GSA and Club 55, organizer of the Presentation Conference, Presentation Bootcamp and Presentation Rocket Day. In addition to PowerPoint and presentation training, he inspires and advises companies to present themselves even more effectively and thus stand out from competitors. He is the business owner of the presentation and PowerPoint agency smavicon Best Business Presentations and with his team has created over 10,000 professional PowerPoint presentations for over 150 industries since 1993.


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