Slides for online presentations – what to look out for?

Especially now that most presentations are given online, the individual PowerPoint slide is moving further into the foreground and taking on even more weight. Therefore, high quality of the entire set of slides is the prerequisite for your presentation success. You simply can’t afford mediocre slides in online presentations.

Online presentations have become much more important in the last 12 months. They will largely retain their high status even after the lockdown. Although the live presentation in front of an audience offers some great advantages, the presentation in online format will remain an important tool for communication and marketing. Presumably, presentation topics will often be prepared for both channels in the future.

For presenters, online presentations bring a new set of challenges. Because some means of communication can be used less, or not at all in this format. The individual PowerPoint slide is therefore becoming much more important. When you perform in a face-to-face event, your audience can’t just walk away. In online events, a bad slide can cause attendees to opt out to quickly do another thing. And, when in doubt, may not even return to your presentation. Therefore, the following is especially true for slides in online presentations: You are only as good as your worst slide.

The body language and gestures of the speaker are missing in online presentations

In live presentations on a stage, the success of a presentation depends to a large extent on the skills of the presenter. He can use gestures and body language to give more expression to his remarks. In online presentations, the speaker is – if at all – usually only visible as a small picture in the margin. In that case, this picture only shows his head in a size that doesn’t even show the facial expressions properly. The speaker can only make an impact with his voice.

No time to win over the audience first

When a speaker takes the stage live, they usually take a few moments to warm up to their audience. Often a few sentences are enough, such as “It’s warm here today. Do you think it’s so hot, too? I hope you will allow me to take off my jacket.” This is how you can build a rapport with the audience and “break the ice.” This option is not available for online presentations.


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No direct feedback from the audience and little interaction

When you are in front of an audience, you can tell if they are listening to you. You can see from the faces of the viewers whether they are curious, critical or bored. You can tell whether a gag will be well received or whether a daring thesis will meet with rejection. When presenting online, you have little opportunity to check the success of your presentation in the now. You don’t see your audience. The audience has the opportunity to post questions and comments in the chat. However, you cannot read the chat function simultaneously while you are presenting. Of course, you can ask your viewers a direct question and invite them to respond in the chat. But there is usually little time for such Q&A sessions, and only a small portion of the audience will even participate.

At the end of the day, you have to hope or rely on the fact that all participants of your online event are looking spellbound at the slides and listening to you.


Besides slides in online presentations, the only additional medium you have left is your voice. In this way, the individual PowerPoint slides take on a crucial meaning. If you want to show your existing presentation online, it definitely needs to be revised and customized. Designing a completely new presentation for online events is more work, but it also allows for much better results.

All slides in online presentations must be optimally matched to the online format in terms of content and design. You can’t win your audience back once they’ve lost interest in following you. Therefore, you should fascinate your audience from the first slide. This requires slides that are outstanding without exception. The content and design elements must fit 100 percent. Work with a presentation agency that has experience designing online presentations. The agency’s experts know how to use modern presentation techniques to create and sustain excitement.


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