Posture during public appearances: head movements

A professionalr PowerPointslide set belongs today to any live or online presentation. Just as important as excellent slides is the speaker who presents them. A successful presentation therefore also includes a clear, understandable voice and a convincing body languageof the presenter.Even small inconsistencies can greatly irritate the audience. This post is about mimicry and especially yourhead movements while presenting.

Imagine ithas announced important business partners at short notice,and you have to give a presentation. Without good preparation, this is only limited fun. Presenting can quickly become stressful if the presentation can not be prepared professionally. Even single mistakes can have a devastating effect on the audience. The body language plays whenspeaking before live audience or at an online event a big role. For a good interaction with your audience you need to pay attention not only to the contents of your slide. Also of great importance aremimicry and body language. The right head movements, hand gestures and dthe conscious use of voice strengthen the effectiveness of your message. So you can upgrade your entire presentation from “just enough”to “outstanding” . Just the head movements of the presenter are often forgotten or considered only on the sidelines.

Body language in presentations – What do yourhead movements signal?

The head movements of the speaker during thepresentationsend messages, of course. A lowered head covering the neckwith the chin, for example, represents a defensive posture. It is also an indication of caution or exhaustion. It can also be a signal ofa lack of self-confidence. Thus, you forfeit considerably persuasive power. A forward gtilted head is a sign that the presenter is interested or curious. If, on the other hand, the presenterpulls his head back,in this case, tilting is an indication of distrust. You can nod vigorously to express your strong agreement with the topic, while you can use a slow nod to inform your audience of your conditional agreement.

During a presentationthe headcan be usedto indicate and underline a variety of expressions. Sparent head movements, however, can be used deliberately toemphasizeauthority or the seriousnesswith whicha speaker describesspecific facts. So it is important that you as a speaker or presenter practice the right movements that help you engage better with your audience and make the presentation a successful experience for the audience .

Wichtig für jede Präsentation: The right mimic

An appropriate facial expression isa basic requirement foreffective communication and vividly describes your emotions, feelings and thoughts. Thehead movements with theappropriate facial expression can verystronglyinfluencethe emotions of the audience. Eye contact and the right facial expressions will help you deliver an effective speech. It doesn’t matter if it’s a lecture, a presentation or a conversation. It is of grextreme importance that the intention of yourspeech matches yourfacial expression. For this, the rule of thumb is that you should maintain eye contact with your audience for nearly 80% of your time on stage. This will create a meaningful and trusting experience. So take control ofyour facial movements and expressions to deliver a successful speech.



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Head movements during presentation: Important Dos and Don’ts

Presentations and other public appearances require a lot of concentration and attention from the speaker. You better not leave that to chance, but it really train. Where there is no attention, you have little control over your effect on the audience. For example, you might give a really good speech. But you do not notice that you have both hands in your pockets all the time. This usually happens unconsciously and often has a negative impact on your effect on the audience. With the head position it is the same.

Lifting your head and staring continuously at the ceiling can give the impression of disinterest or boredom. It can but also be a sign of visual thinking, where a questionis analyzedinwardly. So you should use your head movements very consciously, so as not to cause irritation to the audience.

It is important to lead the presentation with your gaze. Direct the attention of the audience with your gaze. But make sure that you do not to create misunderstandings. For example, do not constantly look at the door or at your watch. Otherwise could theappearance ethat you can hardly wait for the end of the event.

Watch your head movements and make sure you don’t touch your eyes, ears, nose or chin. Otherwise, you may be sending the message to your listeners that you are insecure or tense.

Theabsolutely convincing body language for your presentation – presentation agencies help

The correct, convincing coordination of voice, facial expressions and posture for maximum effect in front of an audience, is not quite easy to learn without help. But every even so meticulously prepared noble presentation fails, if the presenter can not convincingly convey the content. For this reason, good presentation agencies offer appropriate training, which build very quickly the necessary skills. Experienced trainers recognize the potential for improvement of a speaker immediately and can bring about great improvements in a short time.


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