Have presentations created – which service provider is the right one?

More and more companies are hiring external agencies to create their presentations. The reason is simple: professional presentations are the business card of a company. No company can afford mediocre transparencies, and its own employees usually lack the necessary know-how to quickly achieve first-class results. But which PowerPoint service provider offers the best overall package for the job? Your own marketing agency that also offers PowerPoint, a small presentation agency or a premium presentation agency?

Every company needs presentations. PowerPoint slides are often used in project or team meetings. But especially the sales department, the marketing department or management regularly need very high quality presentations to convince customers and the public of their own company. Depending on the target group and the objective, the challenges in creating vary. Sometimes solid basic knowledge is enough, but for most  occasions expert knowledge is simply a basic requirement for a good result. And sometimes even normal experts are no longer sufficient to achieve the desired results. For example, when it comes to an internal status report for a current project, a  employee with PowerPoint skills is usually able to create a usable template. When it comes to convincing important target groups, many entrepreneurs want to play it safe. If high-quality presentations are to be created, companies often work with external presentation experts and presentation agencies. In order to make a convincing impression, professional support is required during implementation. For the best possible success, the best and most modern technology should be used. Especially towards customers, influencers or the general public, presentations in front of a large group of viewers or in front of important decision makers, it is no longer sufficient to put together a few slides. Here, professional dramaturgy, a precise schedule and a really convincing slide design are indispensable. Facts must be presented in an absolutely convincing manner. The auditorium must also be led emotionally and brought to the desired insights. If the result is to be completely convincing, then nothing can be left to chance here.

If external help is to be requested, three main target groups come into question:

1. own trusted advertising or marketing agency.

There are some good reasons for this. This agency already knows the company. The portfolio does not need to be explained again. The contacts in the agency know their contacts in the company. The processes are well-rehearsed. However, the creation of presentations is only a small part of the agency’s offer. You probably won’t find any real presentation experts there.

2. a presentation agency

There one deals exclusively with the creation of presentations. Therefore, of course, there is usually more experience and expertise here. Small agencies consist of one to four people. Among them may be real experts.

3. a premium presentation agency

Especially with exclusive products and solutions, with complicated contexts or with very demanding audiences, all technical possibilities must be used to achieve the desired success. In the case of high-quality offers, the target groups also expect the highest-quality presentations. Very good performance is often no longer sufficient here for the required results. People want performances that are as spectacular as possible and that are intended to make a lasting impression. This is then the task of premium agencies. Premium presentation agencies differentiate themselves from other providers through innovative technical capabilities that are largely unrivaled.

The criteria by which companies seek external help for presentations are price, quality and service. The price depends on the quality of the service and the service provided by the service provider. Low quality – low price, little service – low price. Top quality, top service – higher price. This is much easier to determine for a product than for a service provider. You know very well that when you buy a luxury product, you usually automatically buy high quality and top service. On the other hand, if you buy a cheap product, the device will probably be defective exactly after the warranty expires. And when you call the service provider, you are on hold forever.

If you buy presentation services cheaply, you also run the risk of presenting cheaply.

When considering the question of quality, it is important to consider the demands of the company, the product or the service. If the company is a premium brand, the presentations should also rank in the premium range. A quality feature is also the achievement of objectives. Does the presentation achieve the set goal? For example, a long-lasting memory of a particular presentation content or direct sales after the presentation or enthusiasm among the audience. Another quality feature is the tonality: Does the presentation manage to convey the values of the company?

The demand for premium solutions has increased sharply in recent years, as many companies and event organizers are finding that audiences have increasingly high expectations of a presentation. At the same time, the attention span decreases. Viewers can’t concentrate for very long unless they get really captivated. Therefore, to keep an audience captivated throughout a presentation, new creative ideas are always needed. The need for a premium presentation agency will therefore continue to grow.

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Speaker and PowerPoint Trainer Matthias Garten

Dipl.-Wirtsch.-Informatiker Matthias Garten as the expert for multimedia presentations and professional PowerPoint presentations knows about the art of professional slide design. He is an entrepreneur, speaker (TOP 100 Speaker), trainer (TOP 100 Excellence Trainer), multiple book author, presentation coach (presentation training), member of the GSA and Club 55, organizer of the Presentation Conference, Presentation Bootcamp and Presentation Rocket Day. In addition to PowerPoint and presentation training, he inspires and advises companies to present themselves even more effectively and thus stand out from competitors. He is the business owner of the presentation and PowerPoint agency smavicon Best Business Presentations and with his team has created over 10,000 professional PowerPoint presentations for over 150 industries since 1993.