The product presentation – much more than simply advertising

Product presentations do not exactly enjoy the best reputation among customers. Often, such PowerPoint presentations are seen as purely promotional events. However, this does not have to be the case. Of course, a company wants its product presentation to show its offer in a good light. But important, relevant and useful information for the customer must be an important part of the presentation.

Advertising is an important part of sales promotion. This will not change in the foreseeable future. Nevertheless, we deal with advertising differently today than we did 20 years ago. This is because the Internet has given rise to new channels that have created additional advertising opportunities. In the meantime, we are virtually overrun by advertising, whether we use our PC, cell phone, or television. This has led most consumers to perceive advertising as more of a nuisance and unhelpful. At the same time, advertising is neither good nor bad. It all depends on how this tool is embedded in a company’s marketing strategy.

If you want to convince with your product presentation, you have to take your audience seriously

A professional product presentation does not only focus on its own product, but above all on the wishes and needs of its customers. Customers can only be convinced by an offer if they recognize the concrete benefit for themselves. Glossy images and flowery advertising slogans are hardly the only way to generate the will to buy. A product presentation should therefore address the information needs of the audience and provide useful information. The focus is therefore on the customer and his needs.

Reconciling the needs of the company and those of the customers

A company wants to sell its products, customers want to know what benefits these products could have for them if they buy it. These two needs must be reconciled. This means that a presentation should not be filled with unwanted information, but must provide clearly understandable solutions to the needs and problems of the audience. This means that the company must take a close look at its customers’ wishes in advance. What does the customer need/seek under what conditions? The audience has fundamental interest, otherwise product presentations would not be attended. So there are questions that you hope will be answered. A good presentation should pick up on that and answer such questions to satisfaction.

A good product presentation does not fall with the door in the house.

Of course, a product presentation introduces the product and its features. The audience knows that too. However, the advertising should be kept discreet. With a good presentation, the viewer should automatically draw the conclusion that buying the product will bring him clear benefits. This is more effective than trying to persuade him through advertising slogans. That’s why it’s good not to start the presentation as a sales pitch right away. Creating a comfortable atmosphere with a little small talk is a good way to start. This also enables the first concrete questions about the wishes and needs of the customers. The more customer feedback that can be gathered at this stage, the better the presentation can be optimized more and more to meet all customer needs. After the small talk, the second step is about solving the customer’s problems or fulfilling their wishes. It explains what a solution should look like. Only in the third step is the concrete solution clearly demonstrated using the product as an example. Although the customer is aware from start to finish that the product presentation is trying to sell something, he also sees through this approach that the purchase is also of clear benefit to him.

Variants of product presentation

Not all target groups are the same. Seniors, teenagers, end customers or corporate customers each require individual addresses. The products also differ from each other, sometimes significantly. Whether toothpaste, software, construction cranes or luxury yachts are to be sold plays a major role in the design of product presentations. Just as different are the possibilities to present the respective product.

A frequent component of product presentations are product demonstrations. The customer can thus convince himself of the concrete benefit and experience the product live, so to speak. This is relatively easy when selling chocolate. With complex products, such as power plants, the live experience becomes more difficult to realize. But this is also possible.

In addition to pure PowerPoint presentations, multimedia presentations, for example, can put products in the right light more effectively. Videos, animations, or audio formats can be integrated into the presentation.

How to achieve the greatest possible success for your own product presentation and which presentation elements should be used can be developed by an experienced presentation agency together with the company. Subscribe to our newsletter andwe will keep you up to date on the subject of PowerPoint and presenting.

Referent und PowerPoint Trainer Matthias Garten

Dipl.-Wirtsch.-Informatiker Matthias Garten as the expert for multimedia presentations and professional PowerPoint presentations knows about the art of professional slide design. He is an entrepreneur, speaker (TOP 100 Speaker), trainer (TOP 100 Excellence Trainer), multiple book author, presentation coach (presentation training), member of the GSA and Club 55, organizer of the Presentation Conference, Presentation Bootcamp and Presentation Rocket Day. In addition to PowerPoint and presentation training, he inspires and advises companies to present themselves even more effectively and thus stand out from competitors. He is the business owner of the presentation and PowerPoint agency smavicon Best Business Presentations and with his team has created over 10,000 professional PowerPoint presentations for over 150 industries since 1993.