3 tips for the successful marketing presentation

The requirements for a good marketing presentation have grown continuously in recent years. It is no longer enough to deliver passable performance. The audience has high expectations of content and performance. Fortunately, there are a number of “life hacks” that can instantly enhance the quality of a presentation. Today, we want to share with you three tricks that will help you make your marketing presentation much more impactful.

Often it is small, at first glance unspectacular changes that help you achieve better results when presenting. The better you succeed in convincing your audience with information that can be quickly grasped and understood, the greater the likelihood that your marketing presentation will be a complete success. If you implement the following tips correctly, your presentation will gain considerably in quality.

Tip 1: Use the earworm principle for your marketing presentation

You have probably also experienced that you could not get a song out of your head. Most of the time, it’s the chorus that resonates within us. This refrain is repeated several times and imprints itself on our memory. Even if you turn off the radio, the music in your head just keeps playing. The melody becomes an earworm.

The earworm principle can also help you with your marketing presentation. If you want to make sure your key messages resonate with your audience, repeat them several times. Pick out your five to seven most important key theses and formulate short, memorable statements about them. How can you put your messages into one sentence each? For example, you can include your most important message at the very beginning of your presentation for the first time, then at two appropriate places within the presentation, and again in the concluding summary. This greatly increases the chance that your viewers will memorize your sentence.

Tip 2: You need to guide your audience through the presentation like a pathfinder

You may remember feature films that you couldn’t follow at some point. The director jumped wildly between timelines and locations. By the end, you didn’t know if a flashback was being shown or if the action was moving forward. This can also happen to you in your marketing presentation if you take an unstructured approach. If you suddenly jump back to the beginning in the middle of the presentation because you want to explain something and then jump to a completely different place again, you will confuse the audience. It leaves an unprofessional impression and stresses your auditorium. Therefore, at the very beginning of your preparations, create a crystal clear structure for your marketing presentation. What should be conveyed in the introduction? What follows in the main part? What do you want to address in the closing section? The brain needs structures. If you want your audience to retain as much of what you say as possible, you need to convey your messages in a clearly structured way.

Tip 3: Add variety to your marketing presentation

Throughout the presentation, your job is to keep the audience’s attention. Once your audience becomes inattentive because they start to get bored, it will be very difficult to get their attention back. If you simply “unwind” slide after slide, it will quickly become monotonous. The ironic technical term for this is “Death by PowerPoint”. If you leave your slides every now and then and include little surprises in your marketing presentation, you are much more likely to lose your audience for not a second. One of the easiest ways to provide variety is to use different media. Include an animation or short video to add variety. You can also use the good old flipchart to sketch a thought, for example. You could include a three-dimensional model in your presentation, if available and useful, and show it to the audience. Think about what props might go well with your theme. Some speakers even incorporate little magic tricks. Of course, they should be related to the topic. Another good trick is to show an object at the beginning of the presentation that, at first glance, seems unrelated to the topic of the marketing presentation. The speaker explains that the object has something to do with the subject and that he will reveal what it is later. This arouses the curiosity and attention of the audience. With all these possibilities, it is always about surprising the audience and making them curious. This keeps their attention on the speaker and his remarks. All three tips are always about making it easier for your audience to absorb and retain your key messages. Because all your work was in vain if the auditorium retains the wrong or no content of the marketing presentations.

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Dipl.-Wirtsch.-Informatiker Matthias Garten as the expert for multimedia presentations and professional PowerPoint presentations knows about the art of professional slide design. He is an entrepreneur, speaker (TOP 100 Speaker), trainer (TOP 100 Excellence Trainer), multiple book author, presentation coach (presentation training), member of the GSA and Club 55, organizer of the Presentation Conference, Presentation Bootcamp and Presentation Rocket Day. In addition to PowerPoint and presentation training, he inspires and advises companies to present themselves even more effectively and thus stand out from competitors. He is the business owner of the presentation and PowerPoint agency smavicon Best Business Presentations and with his team has created over 10,000 professional PowerPoint presentations for over 150 industries since 1993.